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Professional Diploma (Awarded by UTMSPACE)
Professional Diploma in Business Administration 
Professional Certificate in Business Administration
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Professional Diploma Awarded by UTMSPACE

We offer programs for those who may not have the opportunity to pursue their studies in conventional academic programs. UTMSPACE Professional Programs are specially designed to enhance the skills and knowledge related to the client’s vocation for career advancement. The programs directly address to the industry-specific issues and fulfill the needs of the targeted workforce. 
Professional Diploma in Business Administration

Professional Diploma in Business Administration

This program, through a combination of theoretical and practical exposure to the world of business, will help you gain a broad understanding of business administration and its applications in both the public and private sectors.
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Professional Diploma in Business Administration

Professional Certificate in Business Administration

The Professional Certificate in Business Administration is awarded by UTMSPACE. It consists of 5 subjects that will prepare students to work in a related field or as preparation to continue their study in Professional Diploma level. The minimum age requirement is 18 years old and above.
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Professional Diploma in Business Administration

Professional Degree in Business Administration

The Professional Certificate in Business Administration is awarded by UTMSPACE. It consists of 5 subjects that will prepare students to work in a related field or as preparation to continue their study in Professional Diploma level. The minimum age requirement is 18 years old and above.
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Professional Diploma in Business Administration

Professional Certificate in Accounting

This qualification is suitable for students who work or wish to work in areas of business that involve the recording of financial transactions. This course also aims to give students opportunity to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to integrate technology into their work; increasing students’ employability skills in a variety of roles. It also provides the key knowledge and understanding of the role of cost accounting in business.
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Professional Diploma in Accounting

The Diploma in Accounting is for you if you want to master the technical skills needed to analyze financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and learn how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process. By the end of this course, students should be able to prepare and analyse the three most common financial statements: The Statement of Profit or Loss, Statement of Financial Position, and Statement of cash flows for sole proprietor, Limited liability company and group companies.
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Copyright 2021 United Vision Academy | College Johor Bahru (JB) | ACCA Course | LCCI Course | CAT Course | HRDF Course